Täydelllinen vesipullo merkiltä BKR. Vesipullossa on tillaa 500 ml ja on tehty lasista ja ympätöity silikonista. Bkr-pullo on BPA-ton ja ftalaatiton. Kestää konepesua. Inspired by dainty pixie khaleesis with fawn eyes and a steel will who seem both distinctly alien and more human than human, tissue-y Isabel Marant T-shirts, white blazers and wrists encircled by Louis Vuitton bangles, a sweet dominatrix energy that makes everyone assume you have fire breathing dragon babies somewhere nearby, the cloud-soft offer of a warm glass of anything in a well-brought-up accent that isn’t fake. Soft but strong, she was hennessy in a teacup. Tuotenumero: 138228-0054. Väri: Vaaleanpunainen. Kategoriaryhmä: Urheiluvaatteet / Treeniasusteet / Vesipullot. Koot: Yksi koko. Kohderyhmä: Naiset.
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